3 New Pieces Added to "FMT Pianic"
The playlist called "FMT Pianic" (by The FURICO Production) has now included the three new works that were released yesterday (on 29 November 2023 in Japan Standard Time).
The account "The FURICO Production" is managed mainly by TM, FMT's member and producer, while the main account called "The FURICO Music Team - Audio Arts" is by TI, the other FMT member.
TM selected FMT's digital pieces that feature pianos for "FMT Pianic." This time, as the releases of the month for November 2023, the three tracks have been released on SoundCloud, all of which are piano versions of our past works as follows:
- Silence After You Leave - On Piano
- Looking Up At The Clouds - On Piano
(The Notes pages are linked.)
We hope you'll enjoy the playlist as well.