Newfangled Hotel Ambience 2: Rhapsodic
Newfangled Hotel Ambience 2: Rhapsodic
Composition tool: MuseScore, Studio One 5 Professional
Recording tool (DAW): Studio One 5 Professional
Number of tracks: 39
Sound source: Presence XT, Impact XT,(All built-in sound sources of Studio One)
Composition and Recording period: Jul 8 2021 - Aug 1 2021
Brought more FMT-esque aspects...
(TM writes:)
Through making the previous track called "1: Evening In The Rain" (NHA1), it felt very good in terms of creating comfortable atmosphere with FMT's features and we could further develop it into another one, I thought. Starting with the piano solo like NHA1 to exhibit the consistency, the following track "2: Rhapsodic" has some different aspects, as you may hear.
First of all, this uses three or four pianos, which play monophonic phrases and only sometimes dyads (with even more rarely triads), while NHA1 exploits two pianos for dyad combinations. This is because one of FMT's crucial features of combinations of monophonic parts has not been adopted in NHA1. Counterpoints symbolise them, which this track does not apply, though. It sounds more non-chordal. Even more so after the rhythmic parts join, in my intention, it becomes as if the whole sound "meanders".
Secondly, to make more complex rhythms than NHA1 was my intention; in NHA1 the signatures shift frequently amongst 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, 6/4 but 4/4 is central. In Rhapsodic, if I was questioned on the central signature, I could not answer.
After it starts with shifts between 4/4 and 4/5 -- yes, consistent with NHA1-- the piano turns to show a sluggish rhythm on 6/8. It continues in the subsequent section when the bass and percussion accompany (though as if it were not 6/8). In the middle it goes to 4/4 where it repeats an earlier section gimmickly at a faster tempo and finally returns to 6/8. Tempos change much more frequently than NHA1. It was not intentional that especially the bass and drums in this piece resemble Mick Karn and Steve Jansen just a little bit.
Thirdly, Rhapsodic applies more aspects of electronic music especially in the percussive sounds. No matter if the performance is either analog or digital, I love electro-esque features. When hearing some live performance with acoustic instruments, I very often want more of them. The rest of the Newfangled Hotel Ambience Series tracks to be released later may have even more.
Fourthly... there might be some more, but I wrap it up. In essence, while I could make sure that we can create attractive atmosphere in NHA1, we brought more FMT-esque aspects into Rhapsodic. I titled this Rhapsodic because I have ... and everyone else could have memories of fun times and sentiment in the hotels and I hoped to make it relatively an emotional work.
... Play around with it a bit
(TI writes:)
At first, the notation file of this track was sent to me by TM when I was in the middle of making Hotel Ambience 1, and he said, "This is what the next track will be like". It was at this point that I started to think about creating a series called Hotel Ambience.
When TM sent me the MuseScore data, I had a rough skeleton for this song, so I just added a few piano phrases based on the assumption that I, as a performer, would play these phrases if I heard these sounds.
The basic setup is the same as Hotel Ambience 1. However, since the percussion part is not a live instrument (which is a GM SFX tone) and has a tricky sound, I started to play around with it a bit. I added some filters and cut the reverb in some places to make it sound a little more like a normal FMT.